Sunday, October 30, 2011

Home Grown Terror Will Copycat Baghdad

By Con George-Kotzabasis

The latest attempts in London, Glasgow, and New York by home grown terrorists to strike innocent civilians and kill them in their hundreds that failed only because of the clumsiness of the terrorists, despite their godly-inspired guidance, are a dress rehearsal of the mise en scene that home-grown terror is staging for the cities of Western civilization. The car bombs of Baghdad that are being such successful deadly instruments in killing hundreds of civilians at a time, are now being imported into the shopping and leisure malls of the West by the western Muslim ensconced terrorists. This will be the greatest danger that city commuters will be facing in the very near future by the suicidal fanatics who while burning alive will still call “Allah, Allah”, during the execution of their murderous deeds.

The use of car bombs is not only effective in inflicting widespread carnage, but is also economically cheaper and most of all harder to detect. And because of the greater difficulties that terrorists are encountering in hijacking aircraft as a result of the greater security in airports, they will opt therefore for the car bombs and bomb belts that are by far more elusive in being identified as such, and hence, “leapfrog” this greater security that has been set up by governments in Western countries.

It’s therefore for the above three reasons, that we will be seeing home grown terror bringing the meme of Baghdad on western streets and spreading death and havoc in the metropolises of Europe, America, and Australasia.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Destruction of Gaddafi's Command Centre Unique Opportunity to End Bloodshed

In view of the killing of Muammar Gaddafi and the total decimation of his loyalist forces in his last stronghold Sirte, I'm republishing the following short piece that foreshadowed the defeat of the dictator.

Talking of illusions and delusions. If the aim of the U.S. is to get rid of Qaddafi, one cannot achieve this MAXIMAL goal "with MINIMAL (M.E.) outside help." President Obama’s strategy for Libya had and continues to have all the features of Pinocchio. .

By Con George-Kotzabasis March 22, 2011

The fleeing of Gaddafi and his high military echelons from his compound in Tripoli that contained a military command and control facility provides a unique opportunity and a propitious moment to Coalition strategists to bring the ceasing of hostilities and the triumph of the Opposition over the Gaddafi regime. Since it is more likely than not that the field commanders of the loyalist forces of Gaddafi are no longer directed in their operations from a command centre and acting on their own initiative, the Coalition, in the context of the destruction of Gaddafi’s military group outside Benghazi, should make the following declaration addressed directly to the field commanders, whose forces are still deployed against the Opposition: to immediately stop all military action against the latter and thus save themselves from the fate meted out to their colleagues outside Benghazi. The declaration should also clearly state that all the commanders and their troops who abided by this demand of the Coalition and the National Transitional Council will be given general amnesty and will be immune from any prosecution in the future that could be brought against the criminal deeds of the Gaddafi regime.

Also, it is of the utmost importance, that the demand of the Coalition for the ceasing of hostilities by the field commanders, does not seem to be a demand for surrender or laying down their arms, which would be completely repugnant to the pride of military commanders, but merely a truce, which moreover would provide to the latter the opportunity to consider their switching over to the Opposition from a tottering and disappearing regime. And the abandoning of the Yemeni government by its generals and their joining the protestors, should be highlighted as an example.

Hic Rhodus hic salta

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Remembrance of Things Past Thought Wrongly

I’m republishing the following riposte that shows how wrong Liberals have been in regard to the outcome of the war in Iraq.

By Con George-Kotzabasis—a retort to:

State of the Union Address
Arguing with Bush--By Professor Juan Cole

INFORMED COMMENT-- January 1, 2006

Professor Cole’s piece is contaminated with incurable negativity. It shows him to be a sturdy contestant for the Bush hate trophy from which so many academics of the Left “rake” their inspiration to make their comments about the grave political issues au courant. He argues that for Bush to state, that the elections in Afghanistan and in Iraq are an achievement of self- government, “is the height of hubris” as such “self-government” is laughable and cannot be constructed under an American military occupation. However, only by distorting the context within which Bush made his statement, can he cogently vindicate his contention against the President. And this is exactly what he is doing. Both in Afghanistan and in Iraq the elections were a massive demonstration of their people of their unquenchable desire for “self-government”, within the context of recently toppled dictatorial regimes. And it’s precisely within such a context that one who is intellectually objective should interpret Bush’s statement.

He claims furthermore, that the invasion of these two countries, especially of Iraq, were not legal. But who
defines the legality of the invasion? The UN, which for many years now had lost the plot and resolve to deal effectively with the crises of the world, e.g. Ruwanda, the Congo, and presently Darfur in Sudan, not to mention others, and which was steeped in the corruption that Saddam had set up with the food-for-oil scandal? Or would it be the French, the Russians, and the Germans, who were in cahoots with Saddam, whose ingrained envy as politically miniscule and morally petty rivals of the US hegemon induced them to obstruct all the reasonable defensive actions the latter was forced to take, in the aftermath of 9/11, against the two rogue states that sponsored global terror?

But this chapter of history is not yet closed, and the academics that cannot see anything positive emanating from this “illegal invasion” might eventually have a lot of egg on their face.